a man and woman holding a newborn baby smiling

D2Law Offers Surrogacy Agreement Drafting Services in Toronto & Throughout The World.

The relevant legislation and legal issues arising out of surrogacy agreements are complicated and the penalties for failing to abide by the laws regarding assisted human reproduction in Canada can be very severe so take care! As soon as you are seriously considering involving a third party in building your family, consult with a qualified fertility lawyer.

Once the intended parents and the surrogate mother have decided that they would like to work together in building the intended parents’ family, a surrogacy agreement (often erroneously referred to as a surrogacy contract) must be drafted and negotiated, setting out the legal obligations and rights of each party to the agreement. Once a baby is born via surrogacy, further legal steps need to be taken in order for the intended parents, and not the surrogate or her husband or partner, if any, to be declared the legal parents of the child.

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Shana Tova

The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana is nearly upon us. In the Jewish calendar, we are entering the year 5781. We recognize that 5780 was a challenging year for so many people around the World. D2Law LLP would like to wish everyone a sweet, healthy, peaceful, and prosperous 5781. May the challenges of the past year fade and may the New Year bring new blessings for all.

COVID-19 Notice

As a result of the covid-19 outbreak, our team is working remotely. While our physical office is closed and we are not conducting in-person meetings, we remain open for business and will continue to provide service to our existing clients and to new clients.

Schedule your initial consultation with D2Law today.